India’s first Cyber Forensic Laboratory (CFL) has been set up in Tripura, an official said Monday. The lab, established at the Tripura High Court will provide court case related information.
....Supreme Court judge Justice Madan B. Lokur, who was earlier the chief justice of the Gauhati High Court, inaugurated the CFL on Sunday....
.....“A National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) is being developed under the Supreme Court’s supervision. All information about legal services, court cases and judicial actions would be available from the NJDG,” Lokur said...
......“So far, 13,000 judicial officers, including judges, have been trained about the e-court system and to equip them with the ongoing modernization of legal services.....
.....“With this new system of trial and administrative works, the litigants will be immensely benefited. It will save both time and money to get quick justice and prompt disposal of cases,” Lokur said......
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....Supreme Court judge Justice Madan B. Lokur, who was earlier the chief justice of the Gauhati High Court, inaugurated the CFL on Sunday....
.....“A National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) is being developed under the Supreme Court’s supervision. All information about legal services, court cases and judicial actions would be available from the NJDG,” Lokur said...
......“So far, 13,000 judicial officers, including judges, have been trained about the e-court system and to equip them with the ongoing modernization of legal services.....
.....“With this new system of trial and administrative works, the litigants will be immensely benefited. It will save both time and money to get quick justice and prompt disposal of cases,” Lokur said......
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