Mumbai: On an average the 90 police stations in the city receives more than 150 complaints regarding banking fraud, hacking, phishing (besides the cases registered with the cyber crime cell and cyber police stations) but the annual crime statistics show barely a single or double-digit numbers in cases of cyber crime cases registered. However 47 cases was registered from 2010 to 2012 in credit card fraud while it was 16 for hacking and 17 for phishing or Nigerian fraud. On Wednesday, the top brasses of the Mumbai Police had taken the cyber fraud seriously called a meeting with officials of the top bankers and Cyber experts to discuss the problem and the methods that can be taken up to curb the menace.
Moreover the investigators probing the cyber related crimes, especially banking fraud, meets with a dead end after the victim and the banking party stops following the case once they get their money reimbursed from insurance company. "This has been the main cause for increase observed in case of banking frauds. In one way it is helping the cyber criminals go scot free after committing the fraud. We records all the cases and it gets reflected in our annual crime reports," said Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Himanshu Roy told TOI.
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Mumbai: On an average the 90 police stations in the city receives more than 150 complaints regarding banking fraud, hacking, phishing (besides the cases registered with the cyber crime cell and cyber police stations) but the annual crime statistics show barely a single or double-digit numbers in cases of cyber crime cases registered. However 47 cases was registered from 2010 to 2012 in credit card fraud while it was 16 for hacking and 17 for phishing or Nigerian fraud. On Wednesday, the top brasses of the Mumbai Police had taken the cyber fraud seriously called a meeting with officials of the top bankers and Cyber experts to discuss the problem and the methods that can be taken up to curb the menace.
Moreover the investigators probing the cyber related crimes, especially banking fraud, meets with a dead end after the victim and the banking party stops following the case once they get their money reimbursed from insurance company. "This has been the main cause for increase observed in case of banking frauds. In one way it is helping the cyber criminals go scot free after committing the fraud. We records all the cases and it gets reflected in our annual crime reports," said Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Himanshu Roy told TOI.
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