Mumbai: Experts feel that the city’s cyber police will find it difficult to track down the main accused who reportedly created the morphed MMS clip of actress Mona Singh and circulated it. Investigators should find out the person who first uploaded/circulated the MMS clip instead of trying to get the IP address of the computer used to upload the objectionable content, said cyber experts.
On Thursday night, Singh had lodged a complaint with the Versova police about the objectionable MMS clip that has gone viral
On Thursday night, Singh had lodged a complaint with the Versova police about the objectionable MMS clip that has gone viral
But experts feel investigators should find out the person who first uploaded/circulated the MMS clip instead of trying to get the IP address
According to experts, the police should seek Singh’s help to trace the main source, the person and origin of the objectionable MMS clip
Victims of cyber crimes can approach the cyber crime cell at the police HQ, Crawford Market, or the cyber cell police station, BKC
According to experts, the police should seek Singh’s help to trace the main source, the person and origin of the objectionable MMS clip
Victims of cyber crimes can approach the cyber crime cell at the police HQ, Crawford Market, or the cyber cell police station, BKC
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