The controversial secret cyber spying programme run by America's National Security Agency (NSA) foiled more than 50 potential terrorist plots in as many as 20 countries, including India.
"The plot included a previously undisclosed plan to blow up the New York Stock Exchange," according to the testimony of NSA chief General Keith Alexander before the House Intelligence Committee.
....Informed sources, however, told PTI that India was among those 20 countries and the time frame of at least one such India-related plot indicate it was around the successful Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010.....
"The plot included a previously undisclosed plan to blow up the New York Stock Exchange," according to the testimony of NSA chief General Keith Alexander before the House Intelligence Committee.
....Informed sources, however, told PTI that India was among those 20 countries and the time frame of at least one such India-related plot indicate it was around the successful Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010.....
.."These programs are limited, focused and subject to rigorous oversight. They have distinct purposes and oversight mechanisms. We have rigorous training programmes for our analysts and their supervisors to understand their responsibilities regarding compliance," Alexander said.
"The disciplined operation of these programmes protects the privacy and civil liberties of the American people," the NSA chief....
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