28 March 2012

Is your internet at risk?

A growing issue in the West is coming to India: the threat to net neutrality. The concept of net neutrality is based on the idea that companies which offer internet access should treat all internet content equally, in terms of speed, pricing, and access. It is important to protect this principle because if ISPs and telecom operators use their connectivity to influence how and what users consume, it can result in either censorship by a private company or anti-competitive practices. 

The internet was built as an open network, where information could flow freely. In this environment, innovation, entrepreneurship, and democracy have thrived all over the world. Governments, including that of India, have rightly limited its openness when it violates laws, such as defamation or piracy, but such restrictions are imposed only in public interest. 

The challenge to net neutrality is that the decisions of what content to censor or to give preference to, lies in the hands of ISPs, which are predominantly corporate entities.........

As India's internet subscriber base grows - there are already more than 100 million users - and more people use the net to complete their transactions, like buying railway tickets, books, music, access information or share files - there are concerns that if the principles of net neutrality are not followed, ISPs could control what you can and cannot surf...............
Click here to read more ...... 

Solutions : www.xcyss.in

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