The latest to fall prey to online lottery fraud is television actress Asha K Shetty. Shetty filed a complaint with the police stating that she had paid Rs 1.77 lakh to a person who promised her a prize money of Rs 5.5 crore.
Shetty, who has acted in a few serials, had received an SMS from an unknown number, which claimed that she had been chosen for a lottery prize worth Rs 5.5 crore. She responded to the call and a person asked her to pay Rs 60,000 as advance. After Shetty made the payment, she was invited for an online chat where she was asked to pay Rs 1.17 lakh more.
Shetty claims she received a form with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) logo in her e-mail. She immediately filled up the form and replied to the mail. Later, she also deposited the amount. As she didn't get the prize money, she realized that she was cheated.
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Shetty, who has acted in a few serials, had received an SMS from an unknown number, which claimed that she had been chosen for a lottery prize worth Rs 5.5 crore. She responded to the call and a person asked her to pay Rs 60,000 as advance. After Shetty made the payment, she was invited for an online chat where she was asked to pay Rs 1.17 lakh more.
Shetty claims she received a form with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) logo in her e-mail. She immediately filled up the form and replied to the mail. Later, she also deposited the amount. As she didn't get the prize money, she realized that she was cheated.
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