The Mumbai Cyber Crime Cell has arrested a man for allegedly creating a fake profile on Facebook using a woman’s name to befriend and thereon harass a media professional in Mumbai.
The 25-year-old accused Shyam Gajanan Bahekar, resident of Buldhana, had created a fake profile and sent a friend request to the victim. Thinking that the request came from her school friend, the victim accepted it. The accused, thereon, asked the victim for her cell phone number and also provided his number, posing as her female friend. He also sent her a message stating that he wanted to speak with him immediately.
The victim was surprised when she called the number as it was answered by a man instead of her friend. He identified himself as Javed and told her that he was her school friend’s boyfriend.
Upon suspicion, the victim tried to terminate the conversation but the accused insisted that they talk to each other and become friends..........
After a few days, the victim realised that her number was floating around on facebook, accompanying an ad for ‘free sex’. The accused had allegedly posted her name and number on the page he had created, inviting people to call if they wanted ‘free sex’..........
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