09 September 2011

Cyber Crime Costs Indian Internet Users Rs 34.2 Crore


The annual Cyber Crime Report by Norton is back and the numbers paint an alarming picture. From the cost of cyber crime, number of malware and viruses to mobile and social media threats, everything is on the rise.
According the report, cyber crime cost Indian internet users Rs 34.2 crore as compared to $388 billion (Rs 18,23, 600 crore) globally. Victims in India valued the time lost in dealing with a cyber crime to Rs 16.2 crore, and the total direct cash cost was valued at around Rs 18 crore.
 The report found that more than one million people fall victim to cyber crime over the world, which interestingly is twice the number of babies born across the world. The total bill for cyber crime footed by online adults topped $388 billion in the last one year which beats the overall market for illegal drug trade which stands at $288 billion (about Rs 13,53, 600 crore).
 India scores higher than the world average on the number of people who have been victims of cyber crime, with 80 percent of the people who participated in the survey from India agreeing that they have been cheated or robbed online, as compared to global average of 69 percent. Eighty-one percent of the respondents have been victims of a cyber crime incident in the past 12 months and 17 percent adults have experienced some form of mobile related cyber crime (the corresponding global figure is 10 percent).
 If one is to take a cue about online behavioral trends among Internet users in India, then CIOs and CISOs looking for malicious activity within their organizations can categorize employees by gender and age to enforce monitoring and restriction accordingly. The report found that millennial males between the ages of 18 to 31 spend more hours on the Internet communicating with strangers. Nearly three times as many Indian men as women view adult content online (33 percent males as compared to 11 percent females), the number of Indian men who gamble online is twice that of women (11 percent males as compared to 5 percent females) and the number of males visiting online dating sites is three percent more than women (17 percent males as compared to 6 percent females).

Source: http://www.cio.in/news/cyber-crime-costs-indian-internet-users-rs-342-crore-170942011

Solutions : www.xcyss.in 

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